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St Canice's Girls' National School, Finglas, Dublin 11


2021/2022 School Year

31st Jan 2022
We looked at some art work by Vincent Van Gogh and Joan Miro. The girls then painted...
30th Jan 2022
This year St Brigid's Day mass will be televised from St Canice's Church. Sr Anne...
28th Jan 2022
The girls worked very hard and really enjoyed art appreciation in January. They...
27th Jan 2022
This week we are learning about 2D shapes. Today we used tangrams to make a variety...
25th Jan 2022
There was great excitement when snow started falling at school on January 7th! 
25th Jan 2022
Some girls in our class completed their projects using Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft...
25th Jan 2022
Just before the Christmas holidays the girls in room 23 were assigned a European...
7th Jan 2022
It snowed today, January 7th 2022