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St Canice's Girls' National School, Finglas, Dublin 11


2021/2022 School Year

6th Dec 2021
The girls in Room 4 have had so much fun playing in the restaurant during Aistear...
3rd Dec 2021
We did lots of fun and interesting things during Science Week. We all agreed that...
3rd Dec 2021
We have been learning about Italy in school. We learned about the city of Venice...
29th Nov 2021
We used clay and cookie cutters to make these Christmas decorations. When they dried,...
23rd Nov 2021
A lot of us are fans of Roald Dahl and have read - and enjoyed! - at least two of...
23rd Nov 2021
We learned that November is a special month in the church , when we make an extra...
21st Nov 2021
Our Sixth Classes were given a wonderful opportunity last week to visit the old...
17th Nov 2021
Last week was science week and the scientists in Room 22 were very busy doing lots...
17th Nov 2021
We talked about our minds last month and how sometimes our minds can get "busy"...