Healthy Eating Policy

All the children and adults in St. Canice’s GNS are very aware and conscious about healthy eating. We use the food pyramid as our guide.

We ask that children do not bring the following food items to school:
Cereal Bars Lunchables
Fruit Winders Popcorn / Crisps
Chocolate Chocolate Spread
Biscuits Chewing Gum
Sweets Fizzy Drinks
Flavoured milk Chocolate / Dessert yogurts
Chocolate Rice Cakes Flap jacks
All of what is listed above contains a large amount of sugar

For health reasons no children are allowed to bring any nuts or products containing nuts as part of their lunch. We realise that nuts are very healthy for us all to eat however some children in our school have very serious nut allergies and are extremely sensitive to nuts or products containing nuts being present in the classroom or school environment.
St Canice's Girls' National School, Seamus Ennis Road, Finglas, Dublin 11, D11 C927 | Telephone: 01 8342072